
Dr. Praneeth Skin Hair Laser Clinic

Hair Regrowth Tips

Hair Regrowth Tips for Men and Women

Hair loss is one of the major problems caused in this age of pollution and stressed lifestyles. Hair loss could be a result of various reasons from genetics, climate and environmental changes, age-related, or physiological reasons such as medications, exercise, stress, therapies, etc. It can be a small change in the outlook to a major depressing factor among the people who suffer from hair loss problems. Hair is one of the most standing out features in a person, and thus, hair loss can surely bring a drastic appearance change and become a tough psychological or identity crisis for a few patients. A normal healthy person effortlessly loses fifty to a hundred hairs a day. However, the hair growth is at much larger rates, and therefore, one does not feel the difference unless this ratio changes. Hair loss can therefore be understood as a loss of hair without enough fresh strands growing and replacing.

What are the types of hair loss?

  1. Androgenic alopecia  – It is largely familiar hair loss in men, more than women. This hair loss has different pattern hair failures, male hair loss patterns, and female hair loss patterns. From a very recent study at the U.S National Library Of Medicine, It has been found that this hair loss occurs due to hormonal imbalance. The hair begins to fall off shaping an “M” formed airline, and the hair starts to get thin. And regardless, leads to baldness.
  2. Involutional alopecia – The older you get; your hair begins to die and comes to the end of its lifecycle as a responsibility to bring in new hair. Unhurried, the hair breaks out and starts to get thinner, but because of age, the growth process is slower than hair loss.
  3. Telogen effluvium – This is hair loss affected due to drastic stress and weak mental conditions. Although it might be momentary, it is very significant to settle minor pressures on your head.
  4. Anagen effluvium – This can be caused due to the medical conditions of the patient, mainly this occurs as a result of bad health disorders. But then the hair grows back within a short period of time after the health condition gets better.
  5. Alopecia areata – Keeping a poor immune is one of the tremendous causes for alopecia areata, there is a vast quantity of hair loss. The bald patches may be shown on any part of the body other than the head.
  6. Hypotrichosis – This is a condition where there is no hair growth, and it is widely shown as a genetic problem. And it cannot be treated.
  7. Scalp folliculitis – This is a hair disorder resulting in red spots on the head, and also pimples surrounding the scalp. Researchers say that it is largely the bacteria and unhygienic scalp conditions that trigger this condition.
  8. Cicatricial alopecia – This is the most terrifying alopecia; according to the study reported in the Canada Medical Association, this is affected by fibrous tissues. This starts off with a patch but as time passes it increases the risk of going bald.
  9. Traction alopecia – This is caused by the tight pull of hair, and the continual pressure applied on them with the tug. It starts off on the hairline and ends up to the core skin of the hair, the hair starts to fall off because of pressure.
  10. Trichorrhexis Nodosa – This is a very familiar hair deformity. Some of the major causes of trichorrhexis nodosa are health problems like thyroid, iron deficiency. It makes the hair strands fragile and hard to handle, and that is how hair fall occurs.
  11. Trichotillomania – This is a psychological condition that transpires due to the yearning of wanting to pull their hair. And it ends up with hair patches and baldness.

Signs of hair loss

Hair starts to weaken and develop hairless patches on the hairline. It develops additionally adding patches in the top of the head. For women, the hair starts to get paler and the hair fall appears. Gradually the hair on the top of the head starts to fall off with the thick hair fall.
The unexpected shift of mood can also be the reason for hair loss, one of the biggest purposes can furthermore be because of mental state reasons.

How Does Hair Loss Occur?

  1. Stress: Mental stability can be the leading factor in hair loss. Stress increases stress hormones in the body which increase cell damage. Having a stable mind and mental fitness can be helpful for hair to grow thicker and stronger.
  2. Eating patterns: The food you consume is also one of the aspects that depend on hair fall. Fast food or oily/heavy food can make your skin on the scalp loser and easier for hair loss.
  3. Genetical/hereditary: This is one of the problems you can’t prevent but face. This is dependent on the genes you carry and very less options can fix this kind of hair loss.
  4. Weight loss: One of the central elements of hair loss can be losing weight dramatically. The sudden loss of weight can increase a lot of autophagic activity and thus, the shift can cause hair fall.
  5. Hair loss During and After Pregnancy: Hairloss is one of the major concerns during pregnancy and after childbirth. During the pregnancy, there is sudden hair growth which leaves the hair volume bountiful with rapid growth and less hair fall. But the hair is not permanently growing, it’s only because of the high hormone levels. After the pregnancy, there is a huge amount of hormonal change in the body. The change starts with loss of hair, loss in weight, and also feeling mentally low. The hair grown during pregnancy starts to fall off naturally and thus feels like the hair fall is increased.

Factors Affecting The Growth

  • Birth constraint – While we already know that pregnancy puts on the body a lot of shifts, one of the vital observant transformations can be hair loss. It occurs due to the change in hormones.
  • PCODs and PCOS – PCODs’s also known as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome could also be a leading factor of hair loss. It is a change of hormones at a stage of women’s growth.
  • Smoking – This is a cause of hair fall because, smoking causes the blood vessels to stop the flowing of blood, it blocks the vessels. This can indeed be a reason for hair loss.

Is it Possible to regrow hair?

Yes, it is possible to regrow hair. Some natural formulas encourage opening the scalp and clearing the pores.

Natural Hair Regrowth Tips and hair fall control Tips for Men and Women

  1. Coconut oil: This is composed of fatty acids and Lauric acid which helps the scalp free from toxins. You can apply coconut oil before or after washing hair, and leave it overnight to droop under the skin.
  2. Massage: Massaging the scalp can help release the pain and relaxes the muscles. Rubbing the skin with a hair mask and oil can motivate the scalp to grow thicker hair.
  3. Fish oil: It helps the skin moisturize and stay healthy. It clears the itchy patches and improves the growth of the hair.
  4. Aloe vera: The gel contains antioxidants that help the skin stay dampened, it improves dry skin and acne-prone patches.

Hair regrowth treatment options

A special formula can be used to regrow the hair, it can help fix the hair fall out and also scalp damage. At Dr.Praneeth’s clinic, there are professional and delicate ways to regenerate the lost hair. It provides you favorable and encouraging results for the hair to start growing back. Below are a few of the treatment options we provide:

Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) uses clinical strength low-dose laser technology to treat hair loss and thinning hair in both men and women by irradiating photons into scalp tissues. It is the most favorable and scientifically induced re-growth for hair thinning treatment. The low-dose laser irradiation invigorates the scalp by improving circulation and stimulating hair follicles to induce the growth of thicker and fuller hair.

Hair growth specialist in Hyderabad

Dr. Praneethis a specialist in hair loss treatment in the twin cities area, with more than a decade of experience helping patients deal with all kinds of hair loss troubles. Dr. Praneeth’s clinic provides you with all kinds of advanced treatments and hair growth processes after carefully going through each of the patient’s medical histories. With care and warmth, they assure you the best for your hair so that you can regain your lost confidence and feel proud of your beautiful and bountiful tresses

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